So who’s ready for the big day? We’ve had Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Manic/Mega Monday and the Christmas markets. It’s been a busy period in England and to top it all off we’ve now seen a delivery company as good as self-implode, refusing to collect any additional parcels in the biggest Bah-Humbug this side of Scrooge!
Fortunately, we don’t use them. Mastershoe-Myshu use DHL and Royal Mail and you’ve gotta feel for everyone who’s now sweating on the delivery of their Christmas gifts. Anyhow as we now enter the 9 day countdown to Christmas, the last mad dash shopping online begins! This year we decided to cut off our guaranteed Christmas delivery from this Friday (19th December 2014). Of course we’ll still be sending out all your boxes of happiness until the big day but we want to be as realistic as possible. Royal Mail and DHL have both been incredible this year and they’ve been working like little Christmas Elf’s trying to manage your expectations so a big shout out to them both, it is really appreciated and to their credit we’ve barely had a single problem. We really do make a big effort to manage our customers expectation as well and it’s important that we’ve met them. This wouldn’t have been possible without our courier services and it’s a pretty big deal when someone places their faith in you with presents for their nearest and dearest.
The also come with really great sole units more common on outdoor hiking footwear. This provides great grip in addition to really good support and as a result if you’re on your feet all day, you’ll notice the difference.
This has also been my first year at mastershoe-myshu and it really has been a great year! I only started in February but in this time I had the pleasure of helping so many people, whether it was measuring insoles to help ensure they got the right size or helping ensure they got the best style for their needs. Either way it’s been a blast, so thank you and while we only have a small team, this family run business has done so much to surpass every level of expectation. It’s also been one of the nicest environments I’ve ever had the pleasure of working, so for that I thank you mastershoe! Finally this will also be my last post for this year so have a great Christmas and enjoy your New Year but if there is anything else we can help you with please don’t hesitate to contact us. Glen